Transport and logistics

warehouse shelves

Transport and logistics are currently the most important cells of each company. They generate the highest costs, and properly managed can cause even the loss despite an adequate price for produce or purchase. Beyond that require additional staff and generate piles of useless paper. Modern logistics systems (WMS werehouse menagment System) allows you to streamline all logistics processes occurring in the production company or distribution network. WMS is a good product but only half the battle. The second part is the implementation of the logistics system, which consists of:

* Analysis of logistics - including all business processes of the logistics chain from sourcing through warehousing, production, distribution until after the sale.

* System design - drafting system tailored to the client's financial capabilities and their specific needs resulting from the analysis of logistics and additional customer needs backed by professional equipment selection, which takes into account all the factors of environmental conditions characteristic measurements of radio systems.

* Parameterization of the system - an activity performed after the signing of a contract involving the preparation of the WMS to customer requirements explicit in the design of the system (scope of work includes the adaptation of database architecture, parameterization of control algorithms, prepare the necessary reports, interfaces with ERP, MRP)

* Installation - Detailed configuration and installation of equipment at the customer, installation and commissioning programs server programs, if necessary. Integration with existing systems.

* Work under the supervision and training - prepared by WMS began its correct operation must be tested in terms of algorithms and user-friendliness and cooperation with the supplied hardware. This is the time of the introduction of the extensions that have not been clarified by the client at the design stage. At the same time is the perfect time to conduct training during which users of the system are collected comments on possible improvements to the user interface.

* The system is - properly implemented logistics system with installed hardware is the basis for bringing a system. Are then carried out acceptance tests and performance of software and hardware on which the client has to ensure that he received what he expected.

* Service - the last stage of each implementation is its service. The development of our clients makes it one of the most respected stages during which we try to provide the support, development and further optimization at the same time providing remote administration services.