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AP 6521E

Catalogue No.:


  • MIMO 2x2:1
  • 1GE interface
  • 802.11n with 802.3at standard
  • Vendor lifetime guarantee
  • Working temperature 0 -/+ 40 °C
  • Simplified GUI

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The WING5 Express is a fully efficient system of enterprise-class features in a simplified interface for easy set up of the basic configuration data without the need for specialized IT staff. It is an economical version of the device where most of the advanced settings on the basis of experience Zebra and users have been automated in an optimal way. This procedure eliminated the need to involve specialists to configure the WiFi system.


No need to use a controller to manage access points with an emphasis on flexibility and optimal use of communication parameters to get the best use of wireless devices are the main advantages of solutions based on system WING5. Implemented on any device security mechanisms and access control is standard. WING5 characterized by high scalability and flexibility of the service, from the small infrastructure based on several devices to complex distributed network (using the controller WING Express Manager). Eliminating the need to redirect all traffic to the network controller as well as intelligence supported on access points make data transfer and security issues implemented quickly and efficiently. WING5 is a system that will ensure efficient work in a small company as well as for applications in different environments requiring specific complex configuration.


Devices based on the system WING5 Express are not managed in the WING5 Standard.


Kod: MT-AP-6521E-60020-EU0-0000
Family: AP6521 EXPRESS
Ilość anten [szt]: 2
Ilość interfejsów radiowych: 1
Installation options: ceiling, wall
Wsparcie dla zasilania PoE: tak
Work environment: internal
Standardy sieciowe: 802.11a/b/g/n
Typ anten: zewnętrzne
Typ połączenia anteny zewnętrznej: 2 x RP-SMA
Współpraca z kontrolerem: VX9000
Needs controller: no, no
Extreme AP 6521 Express /Single Radio /external antennas version with no antennas included - [ 1PAP-6521E-60020-EU ]